I probably should have made this post earlier, but I want to share a small little script I use that keeps me from getting the 10053, and I used to get it several times a day on one network (Freenode) What happens is Freenode hardly ever sends out the PING event, and so mIRC doesn't get a chance to send anything to the server. I fixed this by pinging the freenode server every 10 minutes, then ignoring any reply.

This is what I have in a blank remotes file:
on 1:CONNECT: { .timerserverping. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ . $+  [ $cid ] ] 0 600 sendserverping }
on ^*:PONG: if ( $1 == $server ) haltdef
alias sendserverping { .raw PING : $+ $ctime }

Since I have been running this (or some variation) I have only had a 10053 once. So this won't work for every situation, but it has been good to me.

Alternatly, if you use some lag meter, as long as it checks the lag for each network, that would do the same thing. Basically, sending something to the network fairly frequently, but not too frequently (my code is once every 10 minutes).

For a cut and paste way, just paste the following into any window:
//writeini pingserver.ini script n1 on 1:CONNECT: $chr(123) .timerserverping. $chr(91) $chr(36) $+ + $chr(91) $chr(36) $+ network $chr(93) $chr(36) $+ + . $chr(36) $+ + $chr(91) $chr(36) $+ cid $chr(93) $chr(93) 0 600 sendserverping $chr(125) | writeini pingserver.ini script n2 on ^*:PONG: if ( $chr(36) $+ 1 == $chr(36) $+ server ) haltdef | writeini pingserver.ini script n3 alias sendserverping $chr(123) .raw PING : $chr(36) $+ + $chr(36) $+ ctime $chr(125) | load -rs pingserver.ini | .timerserverping. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ . $+ [ $cid ] ] 0 600 sendserverping

This just makes a script of the code I gave above it. Completly multi-server safe, even the same network multiple times. This really is just a silent option to having a timer send some lines to a blank channel