
I've been trying to connect to _any_ irc server, but it keeps on saying "Connection timed out". I've never had this problem before. I have no firewalls, no anti viruses, and I'm using windows vista. And I'm using the latest mIRC version there is. I tried everything, from using proxyies and trying to go on irc through a web based irc client, to formatting. And nothing worked. I also thought that the problem might be from the isp, I called them and informed them of my problem, and they said that the problem isn't because of them. Oh and, I don't have a router.

Here's what it says:

* Connecting to irc.darkmyst.org (6667)
* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)
* Connect retry #1 (6667)
* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)
* Connecting to irc.dalnet.org (6667)
* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)
* Connect retry #1 irc.dalnet.org (6667)
* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)

And so on, it says that to all of the servers I know. confused

Please help me out! frown