hello there, im having issues on connecting servers lately. I dont have firewall, i only have avg anti virus and i dont think it affects this problem im having because it was ok with the av before. Right now im getting unable to connect messeage on EVERY server ! i dont know whats wrong, i check everything i have 0 firewalls no xp firewall no software firewalls. It might be a proxy problem maybe because i was having probs on aim as well but i did a check config on the program and it found the right port for it and it connects fine now but in irc i cant seem to connect anywhere.
here's the mess

* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)
* Connect retry #10 (7000)
* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)
* Connect retry #11 mesra.kl.my.dal.net (6665)
* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)
* Connect retry #12 irc.dal.net (6665)
* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)
* Connect retry #13 powertech.no.eu.dal.net (6667

cant connect anywhere

Last edited by Sega11; 10/08/04 08:24 PM.