thats a lovely photo .... but i will gaurantee that aint a photo the us government is banking on for thier conclusion ..... infact i just got done watching cnn and um the photo ur showing and the one they are showing is 2 different things ...... saddam is playing the UN for fools and maybe ppl are percieving the us to be a bull in a china shop ..... but ill tell u this ....... saddam is a madman and anyone who thinks differently is just plain insane ...... u can show me a hundred fuzzy photos ....... and im sure i can show u a hundred clear ones ..... point is ur gonna believe what u wanna ...... its great to think we live in a world of all common sense thinkers ..... unfortunatly we dont ...... to allow these ppl who make chemical weapons to even have control of a nation is stupid and outlandish ...... the us should walk right out of this whole mess and let all the nations around sadam figure it out since presantly sadam has nothing that can touch us soil without a terrist attempt being made ...... back out and let them all figure it out cause hell when sadam turns stupid and screws with u then we (the Us) can sit back and say hey its ok hes fine u all said so ....... sometimes stupidity is masked by beliefs and my thought is that anyone not supporting a war with iraq is just blind in believing things will change ....... this is the same man who a couple years ago took control of a small country neighboring him for OIL ...... and u ppl whined and complained then ...... now the us is tryin to step in and prevent him from having any weapons of mass destruction ( for a very good reason i may add) and u think we want his OIL???? u ppl kill me in the way u think ..... u are entitled to ur opinion but lets base it on fact and history and see whos right and wrong ..... pointing ur fingers at someone with a fuzzy photo isnt the way to prove ur mindset .... show historical proof and facts to base ur opinion on if u wanna sway ones mind .....