By the way, your last post should have been aimed at codemastr so I claim to have been misrepresented.

Lol, possibly it was - and possibly you're making the assumption everything I say is aimed at you. It probably isn't.

As for dissent, dissent comes in many forms - and disagreement between individuals is one of these. Others will actively go out and protest to voice their dissent, while others may even go as far as breaking what they view as unjust laws in order to express their views. I guess so long as we can all agree that dissent is a good thing - and you shouln't try to prevent it (each to their own etc.) then I think maybe we can make some progress here.

Well anyway, its all getting way too out of hand if you ask me. From talking about being able to click on a simple link, to discussing civil rights, it all seems a bit extreme.

So what now? Anyone got anything esle to add? Do you still want to argue? Or do you want to do the sensible thing and finally leave it alone?

I'd rather get back to my nice quet life rather than have to argue in detail with people I've never met before and don't altogether find particularly pleasant about the morality of the web and all of its (percieved) inherrant ills.

I wonder if in 20 years we will still be having these arguments, or if people will have finally accepted by then that the web is a reality?

We shall see I guess.


Last edited by raid517; 02/08/03 07:33 PM.