Yea, it must be interesting being a woman on IRC. I know many who don't disclose their gender, and use neutral nicknames. (I'm still not 100% sure if Modoc is M/F)

I constantly witness "girls" (sometimes played by guys) get treated way differently in channels, and even opped within a weeks time (and then ask how modes work, and what it all means)... just because they're overly "heheh" and know how to flirt right. In these situations, I sometimes wish both sides had a webcam if only to break it up when they realize how unattractive they are to eachother.

I wouldn't say I'm strictly against Voice and Video chat over mIRC, I just don't think it's worth anyone's while to have it integrated. The technology is quite possible to do via DLL, and I understand Video has already been done via DLL... I believe this is where it should stay. The last thing we need are newbie users trying to talk on the mic and show their little dickies on their webcam to the rest of us. Let the experienced users show their dickies first at least, or even a boob or two... as experienced users aren't quite as obnoxious as newbs can be.

I have a webcam and like to use it like everyone else. I just dont want to see, and assist users with, integrated support (unless they're hot :tongue:).

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!