
I can imagine if mIRC had Voice/Video intergration, after a while it might become the norm for people to expect you to identify yourself by voice, just to make sure you are REALLY Male/Female or a matured adult and not a squeaky packet kiddy... before you can get opped or before you are taken seriously in a conversation. This has its avantages, but it takes away a level of privacy and escape, and destracts again from the flow of intellect and thought in words... allowing us to fall back on our common stereotypes that older people are naturally smarter and younger people are naturally ignorable, and leads way to racial stereotypes aswell.

Well I personally doubt that will happen, at least not in the near future, for the simple reason that not everyone has a webcam/microphone. Also, if it were to happen with DCC voice/video, it could happen now. "Post a photo to www.mywebsite.com/ops-proof-pics.php with you holding a piece of paper with your nickname on it to prove you are really m/f".

I don't disagree with Xeno-ism. I believe it's always good to move slowly with any advancements, and test the waters before sturing things up that were "good enough".

Well this isn't exactly rapid pace. As I said, Kvirc has had it for years so this shows the system can work. Also I've never heard Kvirc users complain about voice chat, most of them love it and it is one of the reasons they chose Kvirc. So it's not something that will be thought of, written up, and implemented overnight, the process has already been going on for years.