The hash table will store what you tell it to.
Based on your code shown, it would make sense to me to store everything that is entered into an edit box.
on *:dialog:InfoCenter:sclick:36:{
.hadd -m $dname Name $did(26)

That would store the text from the edit box 26 into the hash table InfoCenter using Name as a reference. Please note that as above, when entering the data for a 2nd person, the information for the first person would be over-written (I'm quite sure you don't want that), so you'll need to track the number of entries made. There are a number of ways of doing this.

I also noted a mistake and some items that are just bad coding.
The mistake I found, is the missing ID parameter for the INIT event. You can use 0 or an * (wildcard) for this event.

As far as bad coding is concerned, you have multiple buttons marked as default, when you should only have one, since that one is going to be the item that is activated if the user presses the Enter/Return key on their keyboard. Usually either the OK or Cancel buttons are set for default, Cancel if you want to automatically ignore the changes, OK if you want the changes saved by default (which is part of the reason it's called default)

Below is your code with a few other changes that I made, and I think you'll like
dialog InfoCenter {
  title "Wolf Roleplay IC/OOC Info Center"
  size -1 -1 493 409
  option pixels
  tab "IC Information (Roleplay Character)", 44, 4 90 483 277
  tab "OOC Information (Real Life)", 1
  box "", 41, 313 363 175 41
  box "Navigation", 2, 4 4 336 76
  box "", 40, 103 13 229 44
  box "IC Info (Character-Based)", 42, 16 118 458 230, tab 44
  box "OOC Info (Real-Life)", 22, 16 118 458 230, tab 1
  combo 3, 172 26 152 58, edit drop
  text "Name:", 5, 34 141 32 16, tab 44 right
  text "Age:", 6, 262 141 24 16, tab 44 right
  text "Desc:", 7, 36 204 30 16, tab 44 right
  text "History:", 8, 26 253 40 16, tab 44 right
  text "Pack:", 9, 38 162 28 16, tab 44 right
  text "Rank:", 10, 36 183 30 16, tab 44 right
  edit "", 11, 66 139 194 20, tab 44
  edit "", 12, 286 139 24 20, tab 44 limit 2
  edit "", 13, 66 249 244 73, tab 44 autovs multi
  edit "", 14, 66 202 244 46, tab 44 autovs multi
  edit "", 15, 66 160 244 20, tab 44
  edit "", 16, 66 181 244 20, tab 44
  text "Address:", 17, 20 183 46 16, tab 1 right
  text "Name:", 18, 32 162 34 16, tab 1 right
  text "Age:", 19, 198 141 26 16, tab 1 right
  text "Email:", 20, 36 204 30 16, tab 1 right
  text "Notes:", 21, 33 225 34 16, tab 1 right
  icon 24, 320 139 140 166, C:\Downloads\Ryan\skylaxdialogtest.jpg, 0 tab 44
  text "Nick:", 23, 42 141 24 16, tab 1 right
  edit "", 25, 66 139 130 20, tab 1 autohs
  edit "", 26, 66 160 182 20, tab 1 autohs
  edit "", 27, 66 181 182 20, tab 1 autohs
  edit "", 28, 66 202 182 20, tab 1 autohs
  edit "", 29, 224 139 24 20, tab 1
  edit "", 30, 66 223 244 84, tab 1 autovs multi
  icon 31, 320 139 140 166, C:\Downloads\Ryan\mefordialog.jpg, 0 tab 1
  button "Whois", 32, 248 139 62 20, tab 1
  button "Button", 33, 248 160 62 20, tab 1
  button "Chat", 34, 248 181 62 20, tab 1
  button "Email", 35, 248 202 62 20, tab 1
  button "Ok", 36, 324 374 76 22, ok
  button "Cancel", 37, 400 374 76 22, cancel
  radio "Female", 38, 390 309 58 16, tab 1
  radio "Male", 39, 340 309 46 16, tab 1
  button "Del", 4, 140 26 32 20
  button "View by: Hierarchy", 43, 20 19 81 38, multi default %Combomode
  edit "", 46, 66 308 244 20, tab 1
  text "URL:", 45, 40 310 26 16, tab 1 right
  radio "Male", 61, 340 309 46 16, tab 44
  radio "Female", 62, 390 309 58 16, tab 44
  button "Add", 68, 108 26 32 20
  box "", 69, 315 127 150 214, tab 44
  box "", 70, 315 127 151 214, tab 1
  button "ยป", 71, 340 9 14 72, flat default
  text "''Pack Information Center'' -- Part of Helion Script [Dialogs] Dialog constructed and coded by Zephyr LeMarr.(Skylax)", 72, 17 371 279 30, center
  box "", 73, 4 360 304 45
  menu "File", 47
  item "Update Data", 52, 47
  item "Save and Close", 53, 47
  item "Exit w/o Save", 54, 47
  menu "Edit", 48
  menu "IC", 55, 48
  item "Choose Icon Picture...", 63, 55
  menu "OOC", 56, 48
  item "Choose Icon Picture...", 64, 56
  menu "View", 49
  menu "Editable Lists", 57, 49
  item "...of Ranks", 65, 57
  item "...of Packs", 66, 57
  item "...of Nicks", 67, 57
  menu "Other", 50
  item "Extras", 58, 50
  menu "Help", 51
  item "About", 59, 51
  item "Credits", 60, 51
menu * {
  InfoCenter : dialog $iif(!$dialog(InfoCenter),-md,-ev) InfoCenter InfoCenter
ON *:DIALOG:InfoCenter:INIT:0 {
  didtok $dname 3 32 Alpha Beta Elder Gamma Sentinal Hunter/Scout Caretaker Packmates Pups Omega
ON *:DIALOG:InfoCenter:sclick:43: {
  set %combomode $did(43)
  if ( %Combomode == View by: Hierarchy ) {    did -ra $dname 43 View by: Nicknames  }
  elseif ( %Combomode == View by: Nicknames ) { did -ra $dname 43 View by: Characters }
  elseif ( %Combomode == View by: Characters ) { did -ra $dname 43 View by: Wolfpacks }
  elseif ( %Combomode == View by: Wolfpacks ) { did -ra $dname 43 View by: Hierarchy }

There's still a lot of work to go on this, and I'll do some more later on, and post an update before I head to bed in (probably) about 8 hours.