ON 100:TEXT:+wolf*:#: {
if ( $2 != $null ) {
if ($hget([ $2 ], status)) { msg $chan Error: $2 is already listed in the archive! }
if ($hget([ $2 ], status) == $null ) {
var %name = $2
hmake %name 12
hadd %name Status exists
hadd %name Charname
hadd %name Greet
hadd %name Pack
hadd %name Rank
hadd %name Hist
hadd %name Desc
hadd %name Health 10
hadd %name Hunger 10
hadd %name Exp 0
hadd %name Level
msg $chan %name added to directory.
msg $chan $2 is already listed in the directory!
if ( $2 == $null ) { msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Please specify a nick to add. }
On 100:TEXT:-wolf*:#: {
if ( $2 != $null ) {
if (!$hget([ $2 ], status)) { msg $chan Error: Wolf does not exist. }
if ($hget([ $2 ], status)) { hfree $2 | msg $chan $2 has been erased from the directory. }
elseif ( $2 == $null ) { msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Please specify a nick to wipe. }
On *:TEXT:.bio*:#: {
if ( $2 != $null ) {
if ($hget([ $$2 ], Hist )) { /msg $chan $hget( [ $$2 ], Hist ) }
if (!$hget([ $$2 ], Hist )) { /msg $chan No biography found. }
elseif ( $2 == $null ) {
if ($hget( [ $nick ], Hist ) != $null ) { /msg $chan $hget( [ $nick ], Hist ) }
if (!$hget( [ $nick ], Hist )) { /msg $chan No biography found. }
else { /msg $chan I don't have a bio set for that wolf. }
On *:TEXT:+bio*:#: {
if ( $3 != $null ) {
if ($hget([ $2 ], status)) { hadd $2 Hist $$3- | msg $chan Your character's history has been set. Type .bio to view it. }
if (!$hget([ $2 ], status)) { msg $chan Error: Wolf not found. }
if ( $3 == $null ) {
if ( $2 == $null ) { /msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Type your nick and then your character's description. ( +bio <nick> <history> ) }
if ( $2 != $null ) { /msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Type in your character's History!! }
On *:TEXT:.desc*:#: {
if ( $2 != $null ) {
if ( $hget( [ $$2 ], Desc ) != $null ) { msg $chan $hget( [ $$2 ], Desc ) }
if (!$hget( [ $$2 ], Desc )) && ($hget( [ $$2 ], status)) { /msg $chan I don't have a description set for that wolf. | /halt }
if (!$hget([ $$2 ], status)) { msg $chan Error: Wolf not found. }
elseif ( $2 == $null ) {
if ( $hget( [ $nick ], Desc ) != $null ) { msg $chan $hget( [ $nick ], Desc ) }
if ( $hget( [ $nick ], Desc ) == $null ) { /msg $chan You have not set your character's description!! }
On *:TEXT:+desc*:#: {
if ( $3 != $null ) {
if ($hget([ $2 ], status)) { hadd $2 Desc $$3- | msg $chan Your character's description has been set. Type .desc to view it. }
if (!$hget([ $2 ], status)) { msg $chan Error: Wolf not found. }
if ( $3 == $null ) {
if ( $2 == $null ) { /msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Type your nick and your character's description. ( +desc <nick> $&
<description> ) Note: If it is too long it will cut. }
if ( $2 != $null ) { /msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Type in your description!! }
On *:TEXT:+name*:[%channel.SB.OOC]: {
if ( $3 != $null ) {
if ( [$hget([ $nick ], status)]) { hadd $nick $3-6 | msg $chan You set your character's name to $ }
if ([!$hget([ $nick ], status)]) { msg $chan Error: Wolf not found. }
if ( $3 == $null ) {
if ( $2 == $null ) { msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Type your nick and your character's (full) name. ( +greet <nick> <name> ) }
if ( $2 != $null ) { msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Type in your character's full name. }
On *:TEXT:+greet*:#Moonhaven: {
if ( $3 != $null ) {
if ( [$hget([$$2], status)] != $null ) { hadd $$2 Greet $$3- | msg $chan Your greet has been set. It will play each time you enter the main channel. }
if ([!$hget([$$2], status)]) { msg $chan Error: Wolf not found. }
if ( $3 == $null ) {
if ( $2 == $null ) { msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Type your nick and greeting. ( +greet <nick> <greeting> ) }
if ( $2 != $null ) { msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Type in your greeting! }
msg $chan Error: Wolf not found.
On 1:JOIN:#Moonhaven: {
if ([$hget([$nick], Greet) != $null ) { msg $chan [ $hget([ $nick ], Greet) ] }
On 100:TEXT:+pack*:#: {
if ( $2-3 != $null ) && ( $hget( [ $$2 ], Pack ) != $null ) { tochan Pack changed from: $hget( [ $$2 ], Pack ) to $$3, | hadd $$2 Pack $$3 }
elseif ( $2-3 == $null ) && ( $hget( [ $2 ], Pack ) == $null ) { tochan Pack set: $$3 | hadd $$2 Pack $$2 }
elseif ( $2 == $null ) { tochan Insufficient parameters: please specify wolf and wolfpack. }
elseif ( $3 == $null ) { tochan Insufficient parameters: Please specify a wolfpack. }
tochan Wolf not found in directory, please add with +wolf.
On 1000:TEXT:+pack*:#: {
if ( $3 != $null ) {
if ( $hget([ $3 ], Status )) {
if ( $hget([ $2 ], Pack )) {
hadd $2 Pack $3-4
msg $chan $2's has been booted from the [ $hget([ $2 ], Pack ) ] Pack and put in the $3 Wolfpack, with default rank packmate. Type .info to view it. }
if (!$hget([ $2 ], Pack )) {
hadd $2 Pack $3-4
msg $chan $2's has entered the $3 Wolfpack with default rank packmate. Type .info to view it. }
if (!$hget([ $2 ], Status)) { msg $chan Error: Wolf not found. | /halt }
if (!$hget([ $3 ], Status)) {
var %pack = $3
hmake %pack 15
hadd %pack Status exists
hadd %pack Alpha --
hadd %pack Beta
hadd %pack Elder
hadd %pack Gaurdian
hadd %pack Gamma
hadd %pack Sentinal
hadd %pack Hunter/Scout
hadd %pack Packmate
hadd %pack Pup
hadd %pack Omega
hadd %pack Honoredguest
hadd %pack Assessment
hadd %pack Pledge
msg $chan A new pack has been created. The %pack Wolfpack.
if ( $3 == $null ) {
if ( $2 == $null ) { /msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Type the nickname and the character's pack. ( +desc <nick> <pack name> ) }
if ( $2 != $null ) { /msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Type in the pack name. }
On *:TEXT:?pack*:#: { tochan +pack: Used for setting a wolf's pack. Format: ( +pack <wolf> <pack> ) }
;------------------------List Members
On *:TEXT:.list*:[%channel.SB.OOC]: {
if ($2) {
On 100:TEXT:+rank*:#: {
if ( $3 != $null ) {
if ($hget([ $2 ], * )) { hadd $2 rank $$3- | msg $chan $2's rank has been set. Type .info to view it. }
if (!$hget([ $2 ], * )) { msg $chan Error: Wolf not found. }
if ( $3 == $null ) {
if ( $2 == $null ) { /msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Type the nickname and the character's rank. ( +desc <nick> <rank> ) }
if ( $2 != $null ) { /msg $chan Insufficient parameters: Type in the rank. ( Alpha : Beta : Elder : Gaurdian : Gamma : Sentinal : Hunter/Scout : Packmate : Pup : Omega ) }
On *:TEXT:.Info:#: {
;Skylax Blacktail, Packmate of Sweetbreeze:(Hunger: 10) (Energy: 20) (Health: 10) (Rests: 0) (Exp: 32)