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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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First of all, I've read a good portion of the mIRC help file and another intro on Dialoging that I found elsewhere on the internet before coming here to actually ask for help. I'm making a huge bot for my roleplay that has bot commands and sections for both In-character and Out-of-character....universes. (These include game scripts, countdown timers, and thesaurus/dictionary scripts ect.. Then pretty much the rest are just on join/part/text/action/input response scripts) I have a lot of questions and theres no doubt I'm going to forget to ask at least one of them. I'm not exactly asking anybody to actually put in time and effort to write me any scripts (although that would probably take less than helping me to actually understand). Then I don't learn anything, so i'd never be able write my own scripts. I'll get on with my questions before I forget them:
First question: Is there any way you can create one txt file with sections in it that can be taken and read for each script as "help". I thought mIRC had a N through N option in the $read command. For example $read(responses.txt,1-12) would read lines 1 through 12 of 'responses.txt.'.
Second Question: I'm making a huge dialog that keeps information almost in the exact same way as the built-in Address Book dialog, but has extra options such as 'Lock' buttons, which take the text youve entered into the editboxes for each part of info and turns it into Dialog text (no editbox) and centers it in the box it is in. I've tried to do a google search and yahoo search to find the actual dialog script for the actual original Address Book to figure out how to make each edited page able to be added under the specified nick in the drop-down combo box. (so that when you click on it in the combo box, the page with all the info is filled with the information inputted for that nick, exactly like the Address book.) The major difference between the mirc address book and this 'info center', is that there will be either a button or a push checkbox right next to the a button that says 'Add' (for adding nicks to the combo box). This button says 'View by: Nick' (indicating you are the individual nicknames added in the combo box), but when clicked on, the text on the button changes to 'View By:Rank'(and the entries in the combo box change to a list of each rank of our roleplay's ranks/hierachy). Im thinking about making another editbox that organizes the Ranks by each group we have. So if you selected a certain group, the entries of 'View by:Nicks' would only show the nicks of that group and most importantly the combo box entries of 'View by:Ranks' would store the nicks in each rank of the selected group. There would be two tabs, so two sets of information under the complicated combo box and 'View' button associated with it. One tab would be IC (In character) Information, and the other OOC (Out of Character) Info. They have pictures and everything. The setting of your picture on each would be the same as the mirc address book; You click/double-click in that picture space and it pulls up a browze dialog for you to set your pic. I need a way to store all this information without having all the stored data for it (that is, if it's possible -_-) to be always loaded into mirc while it's open (ex. Variable-based). I think you might be able to do this through hash files but I have no clue how to organize it all.
Third Question: ...and lastly, this would probably be the most useful. I need a script (dialog but much simpler) that would make writing 'on join/text/action/part' scripts much easier and faster. It is much simpler than the one described in question 2 so don't worry. It would have an editbox for the keyword and these would operate much the same way a google advanced search would. Checks like "Only this phrase" "Anywhere in ___" "Starting with" "Any of these words" and so on. Unlike the one above, I haven't organized this dialog visually. (In the #2 question dialog, I already have the /dialog Info{ } visual stuff pretty much down.) It'll be able to select what file in the loaded mirc remotes to write the code into, maybe in the menubar. If it can't write the scripts directly as I enter it into the dialog, I'd like it just to write it, and then I could copy and paste it into the actual remote files (Maybe there'd be a 'Script it.' Button that becomes avalible when all search criteria is entered into the editboxes. If you clicked it, it'd write the code into an editbox with scrollbars thats used to copying code from.)
If you guys have any questions at all about what I've described above, or if you want the code that i do have posted, let me know and I'll try to describe it as best I can. I understand this will take allot of patience to help me with this (I'm doubtful some of it is even possible) and I am very thankful for your help. I came here as a last resort because I'm sure you guys get bothered enough. This post doesn't include all my questions, just the important ones. Besides, i think this post is long enough. Again, thankyou so much for your help.( I'll be on nightstar.com under the nick Skylax most of the time, just incase anybody needs to help me through stuff directly or something.)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Answers to your questions (to the best of my knowledge) 1) You'd have to use a loop for that, similar to this var %a = 1
while %a <= 12 {
.timer 1 %a msg $chan $read(responses.txt,%a)
inc %a
The . in front of the timer command makes it silent, so there would be no display showing the activation of the timer. The timer command was added to reduce the chances of flooding the channel. It limits the display of the information to about one line per second (note this is not an exact timing) 2) Whew!!! You've got quite a project there. I'm not sure how much of the dialog you currently have completed (if any), however there's nothing that you asked for that can't be done. mIRC dialogs do have Tab (Page) control option so that you can have different tabs (pages). The information to be entered can be set using an on text event, and then added to the dialog at that time (I would recommend running the dialog in a minimized format if that's what you want to do). I'd be more than happy to help you with your dialog (and I've used dialogs quite a bit) either by writing it myself, or (since you obviously would like to do this yourself) looking over and dialog code that you currently have and then making modifications/suggestions to your code. If you haven't started the dialog yet, I would like to recommend that you think about getting a copy of Dialog Studio (you can click the link to go to a location for it) While it doesn't have all of the most up-to-date features that mIRC has available for dialogs, it does have most of the basics and I find it very handy for tyring to figure out how a dialog should look. Note; It does not write the dialog for you, but it will create the code for the dialog display. I would recommend that you use hash tables to store the information from the dialog, or when entered, as it is the fastest way to store and retrieve information. Again, if you need more assistance with using hash tables, I'd be more than happy to review & make suggestions to any code you already have. 3) I regret to say that a dialog like that would not be the easiest, and may even not be possible. If it is possible, it would actually be more difficult than what you're asking for in question 2. I am more than willing to stand corrected on anything that I have posted, if it can be shown that I am incorrect. Additional information: When you do post your codes (and it would help a lot if you did so, as it would give us an idea as to what level of complexity your scripting is at), please remember to use the Code Tags around your code.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Another way for the first one is to use /play's "help" feature... The -t switch forces mIRC to look up the specified topic in the file and play all lines under that topic. For example:
/play -thelp1 help.txt
In the help.txt file you would have:
[help1] line1 line2 line3 [help2] ...
mIRC will play everything after [help1] and stop when it reaches the next topic header or the end of the file.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I have t say I am suprized to see 3 posts already after one day, you guys are great.  Thankyou so much for doing this, I didn't think anybody would put so much time into this. The code that I have for dialog two is below, what I have so far, anyway:
dialog Info {
title "Wolf Roleplay IC/OOC Info Center"
size -1 -1 600 629
option pixels
tab "IC Information (Roleplay Character)", 44, 4 90 512 307
tab "OOC Information (Real Life)", 1
box "IC Info (Character-Based)", 42, 16 116 468 236, tab 44
box "OOC Info (Real-Life)", 22, 16 116 459 236, tab 1
box "View", 2, 10 10 331 72
combo 3, 189 24 135 70, drop
text "Name:", 5, 44 148 32 16, tab 44 right
text "Age:", 6, 266 146 24 18, tab 44 right
text "Desc:", 7, 46 210 30 18, tab 44 right
text "History:", 8, 36 258 40 18, tab 44 right
text "Pack:", 9, 48 168 28 18, tab 44 right
text "Rank:", 10, 46 190 30 16, tab 44 right
edit "", 11, 76 146 186 20, tab 44
edit "", 12, 290 146 28 20, tab 44
edit "", 13, 76 256 242 74, tab 44 autovs multi
edit "", 14, 76 208 242 48, tab 44 autovs multi
edit "", 15, 76 166 242 20, tab 44
edit "", 16, 76 188 242 20, tab 44
text "Address:", 17, 20 188 46 16, tab 1 right
text "Name:", 18, 34 168 32 16, tab 1 right
text "Age:", 19, 196 146 26 16, tab 1 right
text "Email:", 20, 36 210 30 16, tab 1 right
text "Notes:", 21, 32 232 34 16, tab 1 right
icon 24, 332 146 135 183, tab 44, 0 tab 44
text "Nick:", 23, 42 146 24 16, tab 1 right
edit "", 25, 66 144 126 20, tab 1 autohs
edit "", 26, 66 166 182 20, tab 1 autohs
edit "", 27, 66 186 182 20, tab 1 autohs
edit "", 28, 66 208 182 20, tab 1 autohs
edit "", 29, 222 144 26 20, tab 1
edit "", 30, 66 230 242 84, tab 1 autovs multi
icon 31, 320 144 140 172, C:\Downloads\Ryan\mefordialog.jpg, 0 tab 1
button "Whois", 32, 250 144 58 20, tab 1
button "Button", 33, 250 166 58 20, tab 1
button "Chat", 34, 250 186 58 20, tab 1
button "Email", 35, 250 208 58 20, tab 1
button "Ok", 36, 381 396 64 26, ok
button "Cancel", 37, 445 396 64 26, cancel
radio "Female", 38, 393 322 54 18, tab 1
radio "Male", 39, 331 323 54 16, tab 1
text "85x134", 40, 344 126 38 14, tab 1
button "Save", 41, 106 358 292 24
button "Add", 4, 124 22 64 24
button "View", 43, 58 22 66 24
edit "Edit", 46, 66 319 242 20, tab 1
text "URL:", 45, 41 320 25 17, tab 1 right
Ok apparently there is a problem with the dialog. I'd tried to preview it, which didn't work, so I posted the code into mirc and tried to run it. Came up with this error message: * /dialog: 'address' error loading icon 'tab 44' Thats the first tab, and like I said, it's not finished. I still need to put a few buttons on and organize/align things. Once we have that done, we can work on the 'brain' of the dialog. I have no idea how to do it. The reason I mentioned hash tables was because I see them in most dialogs. I've been thinking about how you could change the actual visual code with a /did command. (using the /did command to make words on the actual dialog change. Those words of course being the View by: Rank/Nick/Pack) The first thing I'd like to get working is the hard part, the View by: part and combo box modes. Basically get it to work like an empty Address book. On Response to Question #3: Serious?! Not possible? Eh I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there. On Responses to Question #1: Thanks guys, I'll keep all the codes in a notepad file but the third one worked great, my bot-command help files are up and running.  There is a problem, however with some of the scripts i made help files for. One of them is a simple 8-ball script for entertainment. It's just being retarded. I've gotten really frustrated with it, because it's so simple and I still can't get it to work! The codes are short (there are two different versions and they both don't work):
;Script 1
ON *:TEXT:.8ball*:#: {
/play $chan -r Games\ball.txt 1000
;Script 2
ON 1:TEXT:!8ball*:#: {
/msg $chan 9,1 $read(Games\ball.txt)
The filepath is correct, I checked it. 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Regarding your 8 Ball scripts, the first one would give all of the answers in the file, at a rate of one per second. I don't think that's what you're wanting. With the second one, the only thing that I can think of is that the path is being misinterpreted. Having a stated path of Games, and presuming you've used the default mIRC installation directory, the actual path would be something like C:\Program Files\mIRC\Games The Games directory would be off of the installation directory for mIRC Regarding your dialog error, you don't have a filename specified for that icon. Compare these two lines that are copied from your dialog: icon 24, 332 146 135 183, tab 44, 0 tab 44 icon 31, 320 144 140 172, C:\Downloads\Ryan\mefordialog.jpg, 0 tab 1 Just a suggestion, on the first radio button, use the group parameter, that way it'll be impossible for both radio buttons to be selected at the same time
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Good, it worked. The 8-ball script works now. Didn't know you had to put the full file directory....; didn't think it mattered. Any the dialog works now, just put a file path in and it launched. Ok, lets get started on the coding of the View by: buttons and the combobox storage so that the dialog can store information. I'll try to do as much coding as I can without help, but it won't be much. If you have any questions at all, now's the time to ask. because I don't want to do a bunch of coding for it to not work like I wanted. So....yeah. Ask away. I want to get a good part of this done.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The full path is is only required if the file or the sub-path isn't directly off of the mIRC directory. Your dialog is quite well laid out. Pay attention to the dialog commands and their formats as specified in the help file, as they are picky about getting it just right. I suggest that you just do it a little bit at a time and get each part working, then we worry about combining everything.
If you want to use hash tables for the storage, I strongly recommend that you read up on them before starting to try to code with them.
If you're already familiar with using text files or ini files for storage, you can start doing it that way, then I can show you how you cna use hash tables with the files that you've already started.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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So what would you recommend I use for each part? What commands i should use to get the combo box (the first thing I want to script) to store nicks when added to the combo-editbox, like the mirc address book.... but be able to switch to a different list in the combo box with the click of a button. What commands could i use for that. and most important, how would I store that information in the hash (and retreive it for later use)?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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To store information in a hash table, you would use the /hadd command. To retrieve information from a hash table, you get it, which is why the identifier for that is $hget I didn't write this up for you, since you said you wanted to learn how to do it yourself. As I said earlier, if you want to use hash tables (and I would recommend it for this), read up on hash tables in the help file /help hash table and maybe check out a tutorial (I think there's a couple in the tutorial section of mIRC.net )
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Heres the code Ive typed up when Ive had time, changed the layout some and started on the brain of the dialog. What kind of stuff should I enter into the hash tables to return information into an editbox?
dialog InfoCenter {
title "Wolf Roleplay IC/OOC Info Center"
size -1 -1 493 409
option pixels
tab "IC Information (Roleplay Character)", 44, 4 90 483 277
tab "OOC Information (Real Life)", 1
box "", 41, 313 363 175 41
box "Navigation", 2, 4 4 336 76
box "", 40, 103 13 229 44
box "IC Info (Character-Based)", 42, 16 118 458 230, tab 44
box "OOC Info (Real-Life)", 22, 16 118 458 230, tab 1
combo 3, 172 26 152 58, edit drop
text "Name:", 5, 34 141 32 16, tab 44 right
text "Age:", 6, 262 141 24 16, tab 44 right
text "Desc:", 7, 36 204 30 16, tab 44 right
text "History:", 8, 26 253 40 16, tab 44 right
text "Pack:", 9, 38 162 28 16, tab 44 right
text "Rank:", 10, 36 183 30 16, tab 44 right
edit "", 11, 66 139 194 20, tab 44
edit "", 12, 286 139 24 20, tab 44 limit 2
edit "", 13, 66 249 244 73, tab 44 autovs multi
edit "", 14, 66 202 244 46, tab 44 autovs multi
edit "", 15, 66 160 244 20, tab 44
edit "", 16, 66 181 244 20, tab 44
text "Address:", 17, 20 183 46 16, tab 1 right
text "Name:", 18, 32 162 34 16, tab 1 right
text "Age:", 19, 198 141 26 16, tab 1 right
text "Email:", 20, 36 204 30 16, tab 1 right
text "Notes:", 21, 33 225 34 16, tab 1 right
icon 24, 320 139 140 166, C:\Downloads\Ryan\skylaxdialogtest.jpg, 0 tab 44
text "Nick:", 23, 42 141 24 16, tab 1 right
edit "", 25, 66 139 130 20, tab 1 autohs
edit "", 26, 66 160 182 20, tab 1 autohs
edit "", 27, 66 181 182 20, tab 1 autohs
edit "", 28, 66 202 182 20, tab 1 autohs
edit "", 29, 224 139 24 20, tab 1
edit "", 30, 66 223 244 84, tab 1 autovs multi
icon 31, 320 139 140 166, C:\Downloads\Ryan\mefordialog.jpg, 0 tab 1
button "Whois", 32, 248 139 62 20, tab 1
button "Button", 33, 248 160 62 20, tab 1
button "Chat", 34, 248 181 62 20, tab 1
button "Email", 35, 248 202 62 20, tab 1
button "Ok", 36, 324 374 76 22, ok
button "Cancel", 37, 400 374 76 22, cancel
radio "Female", 38, 390 309 58 16, tab 1
radio "Male", 39, 340 309 46 16, tab 1
button "Del", 4, 140 26 32 20
button "View by: Hierarchy", 43, 20 19 81 38, multi default %Combomode
edit "", 46, 66 308 244 20, tab 1
text "URL:", 45, 40 310 26 16, tab 1 right
radio "Male", 61, 340 309 46 16, tab 44
radio "Female", 62, 390 309 58 16, tab 44
button "Add", 68, 108 26 32 20
box "", 69, 315 127 150 214, tab 44
box "", 70, 315 127 151 214, tab 1
button "ยป", 71, 340 9 14 72, flat default
text "''Pack Information Center'' -- Part of Helion Script [Dialogs] Dialog constructed and coded by Zephyr LeMarr.(Skylax)", 72, 17 371 279 30, center
box "", 73, 4 360 304 45
menu "File", 47
item "Update Data", 52, 47
item "Save and Close", 53, 47
item "Exit w/o Save", 54, 47
menu "Edit", 48
menu "IC", 55, 48
item "Choose Icon Picture...", 63, 55
menu "OOC", 56, 48
item "Choose Icon Picture...", 64, 56
menu "View", 49
menu "Editable Lists", 57, 49
item "...of Ranks", 65, 57
item "...of Packs", 66, 57
item "...of Nicks", 67, 57
menu "Other", 50
item "Extras", 58, 50
menu "Help", 51
item "About", 59, 51
item "Credits", 60, 51
alias SetDefault {
alias ComboNick {
alias ComboPack {
alias ComboRank {
did -a InfoCenter 3 Alpha
did -a InfoCenter 3 Beta
did -a InfoCenter 3 Elder
did -a InfoCenter 3 Gamma
did -a InfoCenter 3 Sentinal
did -a InfoCenter 3 Hunter/Scout
did -a InfoCenter 3 Caretaker
did -a InfoCenter 3 Packmates
did -a InfoCenter 3 Pups
did -a InfoCenter 3 Omega
alias ComboChar {
alias Hidepop {
ON *:DIALOG:InfoCenter:INIT: {
ON *:DIALOG:InfoCenter:sclick:43: {
if ( %Combomode == View by: Hierarchy ) { did -ra $dname 43 View by: Nicknames | set %Combomode View by: Nicknames | Combonick | goto end }
elseif ( %Combomode == View by: Nicknames ) { did -ra $dname 43 View by: Characters | set %Combomode View by: Characters | ComboChar | goto end }
elseif ( %Combomode == View by: Characters ) { did -ra $dname 43 View by: Wolfpacks | set %Combomode View by: Wolfpacks | Combopack | goto end }
elseif ( %Combomode == View by: Wolfpacks ) { did -ra $dname 43 View by: Hierarchy | set %Combomode View by: Hierarchy | ComboRank }
ON *:DIALOG:InfoCenter:sclick:71: {
did -h $dname 2
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The hash table will store what you tell it to. Based on your code shown, it would make sense to me to store everything that is entered into an edit box. Example: on *:dialog:InfoCenter:sclick:36:{
.hadd -m $dname Name $did(26)
That would store the text from the edit box 26 into the hash table InfoCenter using Name as a reference. Please note that as above, when entering the data for a 2nd person, the information for the first person would be over-written (I'm quite sure you don't want that), so you'll need to track the number of entries made. There are a number of ways of doing this. I also noted a mistake and some items that are just bad coding. The mistake I found, is the missing ID parameter for the INIT event. You can use 0 or an * (wildcard) for this event. As far as bad coding is concerned, you have multiple buttons marked as default, when you should only have one, since that one is going to be the item that is activated if the user presses the Enter/Return key on their keyboard. Usually either the OK or Cancel buttons are set for default, Cancel if you want to automatically ignore the changes, OK if you want the changes saved by default (which is part of the reason it's called default) Below is your code with a few other changes that I made, and I think you'll like dialog InfoCenter {
title "Wolf Roleplay IC/OOC Info Center"
size -1 -1 493 409
option pixels
tab "IC Information (Roleplay Character)", 44, 4 90 483 277
tab "OOC Information (Real Life)", 1
box "", 41, 313 363 175 41
box "Navigation", 2, 4 4 336 76
box "", 40, 103 13 229 44
box "IC Info (Character-Based)", 42, 16 118 458 230, tab 44
box "OOC Info (Real-Life)", 22, 16 118 458 230, tab 1
combo 3, 172 26 152 58, edit drop
text "Name:", 5, 34 141 32 16, tab 44 right
text "Age:", 6, 262 141 24 16, tab 44 right
text "Desc:", 7, 36 204 30 16, tab 44 right
text "History:", 8, 26 253 40 16, tab 44 right
text "Pack:", 9, 38 162 28 16, tab 44 right
text "Rank:", 10, 36 183 30 16, tab 44 right
edit "", 11, 66 139 194 20, tab 44
edit "", 12, 286 139 24 20, tab 44 limit 2
edit "", 13, 66 249 244 73, tab 44 autovs multi
edit "", 14, 66 202 244 46, tab 44 autovs multi
edit "", 15, 66 160 244 20, tab 44
edit "", 16, 66 181 244 20, tab 44
text "Address:", 17, 20 183 46 16, tab 1 right
text "Name:", 18, 32 162 34 16, tab 1 right
text "Age:", 19, 198 141 26 16, tab 1 right
text "Email:", 20, 36 204 30 16, tab 1 right
text "Notes:", 21, 33 225 34 16, tab 1 right
icon 24, 320 139 140 166, C:\Downloads\Ryan\skylaxdialogtest.jpg, 0 tab 44
text "Nick:", 23, 42 141 24 16, tab 1 right
edit "", 25, 66 139 130 20, tab 1 autohs
edit "", 26, 66 160 182 20, tab 1 autohs
edit "", 27, 66 181 182 20, tab 1 autohs
edit "", 28, 66 202 182 20, tab 1 autohs
edit "", 29, 224 139 24 20, tab 1
edit "", 30, 66 223 244 84, tab 1 autovs multi
icon 31, 320 139 140 166, C:\Downloads\Ryan\mefordialog.jpg, 0 tab 1
button "Whois", 32, 248 139 62 20, tab 1
button "Button", 33, 248 160 62 20, tab 1
button "Chat", 34, 248 181 62 20, tab 1
button "Email", 35, 248 202 62 20, tab 1
button "Ok", 36, 324 374 76 22, ok
button "Cancel", 37, 400 374 76 22, cancel
radio "Female", 38, 390 309 58 16, tab 1
radio "Male", 39, 340 309 46 16, tab 1
button "Del", 4, 140 26 32 20
button "View by: Hierarchy", 43, 20 19 81 38, multi default %Combomode
edit "", 46, 66 308 244 20, tab 1
text "URL:", 45, 40 310 26 16, tab 1 right
radio "Male", 61, 340 309 46 16, tab 44
radio "Female", 62, 390 309 58 16, tab 44
button "Add", 68, 108 26 32 20
box "", 69, 315 127 150 214, tab 44
box "", 70, 315 127 151 214, tab 1
button "ยป", 71, 340 9 14 72, flat default
text "''Pack Information Center'' -- Part of Helion Script [Dialogs] Dialog constructed and coded by Zephyr LeMarr.(Skylax)", 72, 17 371 279 30, center
box "", 73, 4 360 304 45
menu "File", 47
item "Update Data", 52, 47
item "Save and Close", 53, 47
item "Exit w/o Save", 54, 47
menu "Edit", 48
menu "IC", 55, 48
item "Choose Icon Picture...", 63, 55
menu "OOC", 56, 48
item "Choose Icon Picture...", 64, 56
menu "View", 49
menu "Editable Lists", 57, 49
item "...of Ranks", 65, 57
item "...of Packs", 66, 57
item "...of Nicks", 67, 57
menu "Other", 50
item "Extras", 58, 50
menu "Help", 51
item "About", 59, 51
item "Credits", 60, 51
menu * {
InfoCenter : dialog $iif(!$dialog(InfoCenter),-md,-ev) InfoCenter InfoCenter
ON *:DIALOG:InfoCenter:INIT:0 {
didtok $dname 3 32 Alpha Beta Elder Gamma Sentinal Hunter/Scout Caretaker Packmates Pups Omega
ON *:DIALOG:InfoCenter:sclick:43: {
set %combomode $did(43)
if ( %Combomode == View by: Hierarchy ) { did -ra $dname 43 View by: Nicknames }
elseif ( %Combomode == View by: Nicknames ) { did -ra $dname 43 View by: Characters }
elseif ( %Combomode == View by: Characters ) { did -ra $dname 43 View by: Wolfpacks }
elseif ( %Combomode == View by: Wolfpacks ) { did -ra $dname 43 View by: Hierarchy }
There's still a lot of work to go on this, and I'll do some more later on, and post an update before I head to bed in (probably) about 8 hours.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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so if i use $hget to say, get the list of nicknames to list and it's editable (remember it should operate like the address book) how should i use it for that? ...and how would i use hash to store the information on the editboxes and such when you click on the name in the combo box. I have an idea of how it might work... lets say i use /hadd to add a hash table named after the combo editbox entry <nickname> and the item on that hash table would be the info that we typed in on the editboxes where all the info goes. would that work? Im not saying you cant write any code, I'm just saying that if you do, Explain it thoroughly so that I end up being able to do it on my own. Just 'Translate it into english'. Thankyou for the code edit.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If that's how you want it, I'm going to suggest that you make some changes to your dialog, for example, instead of using an edit box for the nicknames, use an editable drop-down list. That way all of the names can be stored in the drop-down list and it will still be editable for the purposes of changing, adding or deleting nicks.
I should be able to have a start for you before I go to bed tonight, or a complete version (with explanations) in 2 - 4 days.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Is there any way to make it pull up a "browze" dialog? Just so i can get the rest of the menu bar done. a "Browze" or "Select File" dialog.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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For a select file dialog, look under /help $sfile
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Ok I can make it pop up in the command line by typing out the command with the parimeters and pressing tab, how do I make it launch in the script under the On Dialog event? And you can go ahead and write an example of the code that makes the added nicknames become listed in the combo box (like it works in the address book) because I've tried and fail plenty of times, I don't want to waste anymore time. -_-
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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While I'm sure you're frustrated, I doubt anyone is going to want to help someone who commands them to write a script for them.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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To make it come up in a dialog, I would recommend using a button in the dialog (I know you already know how to do that), and then use the on dialog event, something like this on *:dialog:<dialog_name>:sclick:<ID>:{
set %file $$sfile($mircdir,*)
That will pop-up the select file dialog, when the button <ID> is pressed, and then the name of the selected file (with the full path) will be stored in the variable %file when the OK button is pressed. If the Cancel button is pressed, then %file will become $null (or empty). Regarding the rest of your query, I am working on it, but it's taking longer than I thought it would. I will post the code here as soon as I can, but I don't want to give a time frame again, just in case.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I've been working with the original poster regarding the problems that he's encountering, but at no point do I see anything that indicates that he's commanding that a script be written for him, in fact, if anything, almost the opposite is true. Reference post dated: Dec. 1 2006 @ 8:33 pm EST I'm not exactly asking anybody to actually put in time and effort to write me any scripts (although that would probably take less than helping me to actually understand). Then I don't learn anything, so i'd never be able write my own scripts. and post dated: Dec. 5 2006 @ 10:40 pm EST Im not saying you cant write any code, I'm just saying that if you do, Explain it thoroughly so that I end up being able to do it on my own. Just 'Translate it into english'.