
I don't really see why this thread was restarted, it was totally unnecessary and it's only contributed to yet another excessively long thread that repeats points of view described by several users in the past, including those that have posted here too!

I totally appreciate that conversation and debating on these boards regarding mIRC features is acceptable and indeed encouraged, but to be perfectly honest all I see now is arrogant attitudes and pointless bit-by-bit breakdowns of the last poster which will go on and on and on...

There are clearly two points of view on this topic, both being valid. Those that say people against Emoticons have "no reason" for being against them are incorrect, I see totally where they are coming from even if they do have difficulty articulating their point of view (or perhaps the pro-emoticon people have difficulty interpreting it?) However, emoticon supporters also have a point. Nevertheless, points above and more have been posted numerous times before, which was the point of a sticky post being made about this particular suggestion.

All you need to do is read and wait for the next major version or two, whereby you'll likely have a fairly good view of whether emoticons are going to be added or not.


