Press Alt + O, then look in the Treeview for something like "DCC" its under "Connect, IRC, Sounds, Mouse, DCC" then look for "Ignore" underneath "Options, Folders, Ignore" ...
There is a drop combo called "Method:" then click the Drop down box, to "Accept only" then you will see a list window with *.bmp for example and so on, look for the button "Add" then you need to add "*.zip" which is in the text box, then click on Add, more that likely its all ready in that list of accept only files.
What I have is, "Method"... "Disabled"... this is WHAT I have, its not a suggestion to what you should use, as you should know, some files are viruses, Blah Blah Blah
Last edited by Skeletor; 01/05/06 09:54 PM.