Why not make it a programming language? For it to become a full programming language, it really would need a LOT of work -- work that could be spent improving/updating/fixing other things.

What do you care if it would take much work?

1. You said you are fine with the way mIRC is, so why does it ever need to update for you?

2. You said you are fine with waiting a long time, so what does it matter if it'll be a lot of work?

Btw I'm not debating whether mIRC should or should not become a programming language, we can keep that for another time. I just thought it was somewhat strange you would use those arguments, when just a few posts earlier you said the reverse.

And, I agree with CtrlAltDel... adding a lot of additional "IM" features just bloats mIRC.

Who is talking about adding IM features to mIRC???

Can anyone please show me where exactly in this thread did we ever start talking about adding IM features to mIRC?!? No one in this entire thread is talking about adding IM features, so I don't understand how that point is relevant in regards to our discussion that we have been having. I'm not asking for webcam support here people, I'm asking for new scripting features.

@Ctrlaltdel: The current mirc.exe is 1.4 mb, and look at what a wide range of features there is for scripting. Do you honestly believe that for example adding secure socket support is going to bloat the mirc.exe? I think we are starting to talk about different things here. I have always been talking about _scripting_ features, not webcam/smiley whatever features.
