I am talking about multiple words on the same line.

Have you still not read my example:

Text file:

this is a test
this is a
this is

You see 3 lines with MULTIPLE words on each line, and the $read(test.txt,s,this is) will match on the FIRST line on the text "this is a test" which we do not want.

How many times am I going to have to tell you, that this issue has NOTHING to do with The_Game's example. Again: this has NOTHING to do with The_Game's example, I am talking about $read in a different situation than The_Game's situation, where it is a /write. Do you get the difference?

The $read is just something I said aside from this thing that The_Game is requesting. Have you not read in my previous post, that I said that it is working the right way that you proposed?

So do you understand now that I'm talking about reading from a file and that the -s switch will be useless, and that i'm NOT talking about writing with the -s switch, where it is working perfectly as you suggested.

Just to clarify, I have nothing against you, I just really get stressed when people are misunderstanding what I'm saying.

Oh well, atleast we kept it civil. Cya on some other thread!
