hey codemastr.. i thought you were leaving us for good.
stick to the plan.

The fact of the matter is, this forum is not a democracy and it is run by its moderators... quite happily I might add. If you have a quarrel with a moderator, take it up with them in private. It is absolutely inappropriate for you to discuss their [supposed] downfalls in a public and unrelated thread.

You are a new guy here and you have already surrounded yourself in a well of negativity. Your first impression has been blemished, and so your views and opinions are of no apparent concern to anyone here. Unless you intend to conform, and fast... I for one welcome you to save your breath and leave us.

You follow in the footsteps of the antagonists who have fallen before you. Please make haste so the next antagonist may take their turn.

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!