ok granted thats what U use the do not close windows on disconnect for ... but what about every other mirc chatter?
Well if people use this feature for other purposes, they are free to post their uses for it here. However, I've yet to see anyone say they use it for something different.
its all good and well u dont like it but can u find one logical reason against it other than ud never use it?
Because no one has really provided a reason why it is useful other than "thats a good idea." No one has said why it is a good idea. If it's just going to be a "look, I can part and the window stays open!" feature, then I don't see why it should be added.
im sure there are several things in mirc ull never use. if the only thing uve got to add is no i wouldnt use it then your not really helping anything
Well you're right there are things in mIRC I don't use, and there are things I swore I never would use (like multiserver support) that I now use every day. However this has nothing to do with anything. I never said I wouldn't use "leave channel window open on part", you infered that on your own. All I expressed was my usage of "leave channel window open on quit" which I said the same purpose can not be used for the same thing with part. My point was to say that you bringing up leaving it open on quit is irrelevant since I'm sure more people use it for what I said than for "I'm gonna leave for an hour then come back and still have the text in the window" but as I said, if you believe thats not the case, then others are free to post that that is what they use it for and therefore it would be useful for /part. But again, no one has yet done that.