It's a pretty odd interpretation of the Common Law for a network to make. Especially since:
We don't live by Common Law.

1. mIRC Co. Ltd declares that they don't run or endorse any networks or channels.
Exactly why Khaled probably will not endorse this channel with his expressed written permission.

2. While "mIRC" is a trademark "#mIRC" isn't. So the associations can't be matched from a legal standpoint.
The # character is silent, variable, and sometimes even invisible.

3. Every network that I know of has a #mIRC channel so the precedent for some sort of legal indemnity would already exist.
I can say with utmost certainty that none of the #mIRC channels Khaled endorses has any ties to illegal activities.

The way I see it, all #mIRC rooms are regsitered and owned without any permission being granted or needing to be granted.

If you read the history of mIRC, you'd know that Tjerk started the "First Official #mIRC Help Channel". Correct, no permission was needed and/or granted, but was certainly given. According to, permission is needing to be granted.[/color]

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!