Thats really a meaningless figure. EFnet claims to have over a million users alone. is saying there are 1.2million on at the same time that doesn't really prove anything seeing as how there could be 30 million IRC users that aren't online at the time that statistic was taken
Good point. I take it back

If it were disabled in the unregistered version I'd change what you said slightly, "DCC stops functioning in the unregistered version after the 30 day trial period has expired."
That sounds good.
Well, there are several things we (as users) can do to try and get that goal. First off, don't use networks that allow/support warez. If you use such a network, you really can't complain because you are supporting their actions. Instead email the admins and tell them you will not use their network due to their supporting of warez.
I'm not sure that users quitting or emailing admins is going to work. Not enough people care. You said you believe that over 78% are filesharing. Will a network sacrifice 78% of it's users to keep 22% from leaving?
mIRC could also play a role in hurting such things "networks that allow warez will NOT be listed in the mIRC server list"
I am definately for blacklisting warez allowing networks and excluding them from the server list.
Tools are available to networks to help them limit/stop warez trading, it's just a matter of whether they want to do it.
I totally agree. It's not like it's hard to find warez channels and shut them down. Some networks are unwilling because they don't want to hurt their user stats or they fear some sort of retaliation.
I don't think it will be too long before some copyright group sues a server/admin over warez. It shouldn't be to hard to prove that the network had full knowledge of the warez channels and did nothing to stop it. And the network can't claim they thought #big1000userwarezmoviechannel was for swapping legit cookie recipes. I can name a few networks that would have a real hard time making that defense considering that they'll completely shut down a channel if they mention they are moving to another network in their topic or in some autogreet.