Scorpwanna, hash tables are very easy to use with multiple words if needed.

Ahh, multiple words for item? Cool could you show me how that's done? I've always wanted to use hash tables but never could get it right. Yeah, hash from what i've seen is faster. Storing the information in memory is always a plus for speed. smile They should be aware that if using hash, they might need to save the hash to a file every so often incase mIRC or their computer crashes/gets shut off.
Yeah the listing, was what they wanted, that would really be a huge list over time, causing problems later on. I wouldn't use it myself, but hey it's what they wanted smile.

As far as hash tables I always had a problem with:

hadd "switch" item data

Item would always have to be 1 word. I tryed using quotes around the item area and everything and never was able to do it. I had always thought maybe the only way was to replace the spaces with . or _'s frown

How do I make it multiple? smile hadd "switch" "item with multiple words" "data"

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