on *:text:*:#: {
  if ($1 == ?) {
    var %text = $2- =>
    %text = $read(learnt.txt, w, %text $+ *)
    ;if "this entry*" is found at the beginning of a line,
    if (%text) {
      var %split=> = $calc($findtok(%text,=>,1,32) +1)
      msg $chan hmm, $gettok(%text,%split=> $+ -,32)
  if ($1 == !learn) {
    if ($findtok($2-,is,1,32)) {
      var %text = $2-
      %text = $reptok(%text,is,=>,1,32)
      write learnt.txt %text
      ;write this to a file: this entry => that info
      ;after it's done writing verify that the data did write to the file and if so have it tell you "ok".
      if ($read(learnt.txt,w,%text)) { msg $chan ok }
      else { msg $chan I pooped my pants }

[11:11:23] <brandon> !learn this bathroom is full
[11:11:23] <@Scorpwanna> ok
[11:11:28] <brandon> ? this bathroom
[11:11:28] <@Scorpwanna> hmm, full
[11:12:14] <brandon> !learn whoa whoa whoa whoa Lois this is not my drinking glass!
[11:12:14] <@Scorpwanna> ok
[11:12:27] <brandon> ? whoa whoa whoa whoa Lois this
[11:12:27] <@Scorpwanna> hmm, not my drinking glass!

Course this is just a sample. It will have flaws, but that's for you to figure out smile.

Last edited by Scorpwanna; 22/09/06 04:24 PM.

We don't just write the scripts, we put them to the test! (ScriptBusters)