I have been reading these messages for over an hour now, trying to find the solution to the problem you are talking about. The reason I spent so much time doing so is because I have the same problem. The answer to the problem IS NOT IN THE ANSWER YOU *PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW* ARE TELLING YOU. The answer is they dont know. Because I have looked and looked, and there is a lame little description of what the disconnect 10053 Software caused connection abort. And it tells you nothing about how to fix it, nothing about what it is, and nothing about why it is happening. This message board is useless if you people are going to keep sending people to some stupid little 2 line analogy for what is happening. If you dont know, just say that. Dont send me to that same damn page again, please.
Here is a rundown on what I have found:
I have having the disconnect problem randomly but also everytime I DCC send someone (or chat for that matter). This only happens on 1 network. Why just 1? I can send on Efnet, but not Dalnet. I used Ethereal to look into what was being transmitted from my computer and found that a ping was being sent (with the initial ctcp) that was aimed at IP - A local, non-existant IP address. All the settings I have in mIRC are correct. I have checked them, and they are correct. I have also started a blank mIRC client, with no additional scripts, and had the same issue.
I have DSL, with a 2-wire Router (Latest Firmware) - Also, have tried with DMZ, all ports, and with just specific open.
P4-2.66mhz - Win XP Pro.
This is not my ISP. This has worked before, but only suddenly started happening to me. Please someone give out some valuable information. Don't tell me to click here to read about a phone call. Please. If the problem is listed WITH A SOLUTION then, let me know where to look please.
Discouraged & Humored by MessageBoard
<insert my nickname here> <--- DO IT!
I urge anyone who is as discourraged as I am to respond to show how pointless these replies are.