you did not tell me which server that was, but anyway, it doesn't matter, i won't stress the fact that i just asked an server administrator on Undernet ( no i am not BS'ing you here, i work at the same place where one of these runs ) and he told me that at least on the whole Undernet, which is one of the biggest networks you WONT get k:lined or g:lined or killed just because of a non valid CTCP-reply, there will be other reasons for it.
as for editing the mirc.exe, i forgot, i did that in every version, simply to resize the channel central, to make it wider, so i wouldn't need to scroll the bans lists, etc. i miss that indeed.
and if you do not want me to argue with you, you can put your rtfm just where the f tells you to
humm .. i just realised that all this energy i just spent, is for someone who is simply not worth it ... my bad, won't happen again.