You can thank Khaled for that, as he hasn't slipped up and left any gaping holes in mIRC lately.

But if he ever DID, then you would want the server to correctly identify your "broken client" for a mercy-kill.


type /motd and tell me what you see. Most will say something along these lines.

-         - All clients must conform to RFC standards. If your
-           client does not respond to CTCP's, you may be klined.
-       | |   o Clients must be RFC1459 compliant              | |

If you read RFC1459, it specifically states that all clients most respond with valid and accurate CTCP VERSION replies for the reasons I pointed out in my above posts.

Don't argue with me. RTFM. RTFMOTD.

- Raccoon

Last edited by Raccoon; 31/08/03 12:54 PM.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!