mad errrr ... what servers require a valid ctcp-version ? i have for many reasons a very basic client, which i use in paralell to mIRC for some protocol debugging ( it is preferable to me for the debug in mIRC since i have a window to show me all things in realtime ) it has not a "valid" ctcp version reply, on default it returns none, but can be set to return anything. no server ( efnet, dalnet, undernet, and some other small networks ) have kicked me out yet for that ... i'd say that 99% of servers do NOT require a valid version reply

and as for saving my life, let me tell you that i do not edit out version replies, but i do not see htf it will save my life in any way on IRC ( being an user since close 9 years now, more or less )

Sentinel scripter ( current version X, alpha )