mIRC Dialogs: Dialogs are a great tool for mIRC! They allow you to create scripts with a graphical interface. They're easy to make, easy to use, and fairly fast. They are the best tools for customizing how you use your mIRC. The only problem with mIRC dialogs as of today, is how limited they really are. You can do extensive things with them, exchange great amounts of information. However, you can't customize them fully.

Well, here is the suggestion! It's a great tool called "DCX Studio" made by twig. DCX Studio is the future of mIRC Dialogs! It has hundreds; if not thousands, of new features not yet supported by mIRC. You can check it out at http://dcx.scriptsdb.org/index.htm
Now that I'm done "advertising", I'm going to explain a few things.

I've been using DCX for a few months now, even before I knew a thing about Dialogs. It's fairly easy to use, and has great documentation.

Now, I can't speak for twig. However, I'm sure he wouldn't mind handing over the source code to see it integrated into a release of mIRC. Not to mention, he has said it would open many more new possibilites to mIRC Dialogs if it were directly integrated into mIRC.

The main reason I'm suggestion this is so that I can continue to make the wonderful dialogs I do with DCX, and not have to make sure users have this file or that. Not to mention, as fast as they are already; it would only make them faster.

Either way, one thing I think would be great to see as a new feature in mIRC is a better dialog system. One with a "dialog generator" would be great. If you don't know exactly what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the "Visual Studio"-like dialog builder.

I really can't say much more, you'll simply have to try this thing for yourself to know what I'm talking about.