I'm not sure exactly what your suggestion is. Improving dialogs has
been suggesed before.. many times, in fact. Use the search, you'll see it. If you're talking about integrating DCX into mIRC, that's also been suggested, and hasn't happened (and I doubt it will).
As for integrating twig's dialog editor. I doubt Khaled wants to maintain software for a DLL he (probably) knows nothing/very little about. Find someone in the community who wants to do this-- there are many people who can. Doesn't twig already maintain this? What's the problem with him just continuing to maintain it? Khaled already has his hands full with mIRC, and there's no one else who can maintain that but him, so I (and I'm sure you) would rather see him focus his effort where no one else can.
Frankly, there's no reason to throw open source or community projects onto Khaled, it defies the whole benefit of being an open source / community project to begin with-- better support, faster updates, delegation of resources, etc. Improving dialogs is one thing (a very complicated thing), but making Khaled support projects he didn't author is pointless. There's a reason mIRC has dlls, scripts and a community surrounding them.
IMHO, using DCX to do dialogs is a way better idea than wasting Khaled's time reinventing the wheel or even supporting a reinvented wheel for "builtin support"'s sake. I'd actually much rather see mIRC just drop native dialogs and tell people to just get DCX. That way he can actually spend his time on features that matter to *IRC* users: the long overdue unicode support, per-network user configurations, etc.