This is more in reply to everything DaveC just happend to be the one I clicked:

I host a IRC server for a semi medium network 500-1000 users. And we use UnrealIRCD, now I am in their forums and their channel and their bug tracker a lot and I see the regex thing request a lot for bans and other things. They mainly say the argument why waiste our time coding this when only 2% of the users in the irc world would use this. and I agree Id much rather see the programmers use their time in speeding up resources and adding useful modes and what not. The last 5 lines thing ( or was it 3) for joining a channel Id see it as a waiste of bandwith. I tend to watch the bandwith a lot since im limited to 2.5 terrabytes a month.

Personally no matter what is added Id like to see a few things happen.

The RFC updated.
The general IRC coder's population get together. Make things a bit more centralized.