There's a slight problem with your suggestion and that is that freedom of speech then becomes a big problem. Yes there are alot of debates here but I, for one, don't have a problem with that and don't have a problem with people disagreeing with my, or another, point of view providing there is some practicality to the opposing point of view, instead of the childish "this sucks" attitude that is rampant on many other forums, and that there is a degree of mutual respect for those one is talking to. To ban debates is to ban the discussion of ideas and allowing people to put forward that there is sometimes two or more right ways of doing things.

On that note I think it is a credit to 99% of those that use this place that despite not always agreeing there are hardly any times that personal diatribe takes over from whatever is being discussed. If someone has a problem with that achievement then they need a reality check. In addition, I believe that what you determine as useful is irrelevant. You arn't a contributor yet you receive this digest you speak of. I am not aware that this is a service offer by and guaranteed by Khaled. Am I wrong?