Yes, this is both in the right and the wrong place all at once. Its a feature suggestion AND a small rant.

You see, what mIRC REALLY needs is a little bit of code somewhere in its void main or whatnot that checks the software on a person's computer against a database to create a "Lame" rating. This rating is essentially the amount of software or files on a person's computer which are horrendously stupid and made entirely for people who have no clue what they are doing.
If this rating is past a certain point, mIRC deletes itself.

Why, you ask? To prevent things like this topic from coming into existence. Also, since I began running a network, I have noticed the exact same problem on networks. That is, someone gets on a network because a friend told them that said network has a lot of channels based on, for example, Ragnarok Online. This person then proceeds to go into network help channels and ask questions about RO, causing much annoyance among the ircops who have barely a little clue what RO even IS.
Actually, whats even worse than this is when you have one or two opers that play RO, and then answer the question. Because of this you start to have a horde of people who think that its the RO help channel now.

I forget what I was talking about, but I think it had to do with making people who are too lazy or stupid to read enough of a readme file or website to determine that a piece of software is not, in fact, affiliated with their various lame hobby (everyone has a lame hobby, admit it, even you. And they talk about it on IRC more often than not. If they use IRC that is.) pay for giving other people headaches. <- Gramatically incorrect in more ways than you can count.

Now you may wonder why I just went on for so long about absolutely nothing.. the answer is simple: This is my 100th post and I figured it should be special and big and remarkably stupid all at once ^.^

I am the self-appointed God of needlessly complex mIRCscript.