I didn't post "useful" information because I didn't feel like repeating information I've said before here and in other posts, but if you insist.

Should support for EFnet be removed from mIRC? Because thats what this idea suggests! A bunch of EFNet servers (including irc.prison.net) use Comstud (also known as csircd) software. This software does NOT use CHANMODES=, or any 005 tokens for that matter. Now I seem to recall when I talked about a dynamic channel central system, Watchdog quickly told me how mIRC should "never discriminate against networks" correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this discriminating against EFNet? Now one might say "well you can simply requireat least all the modes defined in RFC1459", however the idea of discrimination still exists. Seeing as how Watchdog argued so strongly against "picking on the little guy" ie, adding features specifically tailored to large networks. Well just a quick check of a few networks I know of revealed a network called HabberNet. This networks supports more than just the standard RFC1459 modes, such as +cR. Should this server be discriminated against simply because it has decided not to follow a non-existent standard? Should clients be forced to type /raw mode #channel +c if they want to prevent colors in their channel? Not to mention all the scripts it will break for users on that network, "Why is mIRC telling me this mode isn't supported? It used to work, and it works when I try it in X-Chat"

But I'll continue to show other problems. CHANMODES= in fact doesn't even solve the problem at all, why? As naki pointed out, this "Global" IRCd he mentions experiences the problem in channel mode +o. According to RFC1459, a server is required to have channel mode +o. Therefore mIRC can't simply say "it's not in CHANMODES, just ignore it" because if it did this it would then be in breach of RFC1459. Therefore the problem isn't solved at all, if someone types /mode #channel +o NICK instead of nick, the problem will be experienced. Furthermore, modes such as +ohv aren't even listed in CHANMODES=, they are in PREFIX=.

Is that enough facts to back up my claim?