u almost diss anything not of your own ........ so now your dissing a car manufacturer which probably doesnt export more than 10,000 cars to your country a year?

Now now, no need to take things too seriously. Ford are actually second overall in the market place here and have been the traditional rival for Holden (A subbie of the General) for about 50 years. The evidence is right here. Holden and Ford fans heap crap on each other but in a not-so-serious way, it's no different to supporting a footy team or a wrestler. It's got nothing to do with national boundaries either as both General Motors and Ford are global companies and have manufacturing operations in all industrialised countries.

Do I diss what I don't have? Not always... I'd love a Monaro (about to be sold in the US as the Pontiac GTO unless sales have already begun) but I do not have $65,000 to spare.