That is the same question really. You are asking me to justify why such a restriction is necessary however that is not my role or even my aim. I am just confirming that it's there and that it has its uses.

Well, I would think, considering the type of people we are(programmers, real hackers, the creators of the digital world), that you owe it to yourself to answer these questions rather than just taking it with a grain of salt. Don't just do something and say it's done and tell people that it's there to be lived with and not questioned.

Why don't they want mIRC clients in their channels?
Why don't they want Blacks in their bathrooms?
Why don't they want fries with that?

These are all questions we should ask ourselves, and not take 'just because' as an answer.

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!