Basically GrimZ started his own webhosting company in Winter 2002, which obviously became his top priority in terms of spending money and time spent coding. It took off pretty damn fast, which meant there really wasn't any time for him to work on finishing the new version of (which was only partially up). After some bitching from a few impatient users, the simple fact that GrimZ really wasn't going to get any time to finish the site and none of the other major staff members wanted to take on the responsibility of finishing the coding of the site and paying for it's hosting, and of course the ever-growing amount of resources that it sucked up, GrimZ decided to call it a day. went down on Saturday, April 19th. Some of the ex-staff members/regulars have been working on similar sites, but I don't know of any that are up yet.

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.