As for your argument, that could be said about 90% of mIRC's features.
Why add /splay when you can use winamp or windows media player?
Why add DCC send support when you can use a filesharing application or IM?
Why add the ability to chat at all when there are other applications that can be used for chatting?
Why add picture windows when you can use paint?
Why add a scripting language? One isn't NEEDED.
Why add a toolbar? One isn't NEEDED.
Not trying to debate these with you, but I'd like to comment on one if you don't mind.

Why add the ability to chat at all when there are other applications that can be used for chatting?
IRC was out long before other online instant chat methods. mIRC is meant for IRC, so not having chat wouldn't make sense.

The rest are valid questions, but I don't want to start debating all of those in this thread.