Originally Posted By: starbucks_mafia
You keep talking about what "most people" do and want. How do you know? You say that the people who want voice chat only want it to talk to people who they could call on the phone, but if anything you're contradicting yourself there. If they could do that then they probably do do that and actually want voice chat for the people that it isn't practical to phone.

If you read what I've posted, I've said that these are educated guesses based on what I have seen and that I will not go out and research it. If you want to know why I say what I say, then read what I wrote. I already explained the reasoning behind it.

As for talking on the phone, you didn't read it completely or else misunderstood it. I said that other than games, most people who use voice chat are families with members in other countries, where calling on the phone is expensive. Therefore, they would want to use voice chat to avoid the cost. This would also be true for friends who are in other countries (Iraq, for example). If you *can* call and it's free, then you would likely use the phone instead of voice chat. I didn't say otherwise.

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