Originally Posted By: Riamus2
Ok, here's the new SOCKREAD:

on *:sockread:GameData: {
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -a Error.
  else {
    var %temptext
    sockread %temptext
    if (!%temptext) { hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") | unset %rank.cnt | halt }
    inc %rank.cnt
    tokenize 32 $gettok(%temptext,2-,41)
    var %Government = $replace($iif($5,$5,$4),M,Monarchy,D,Democracy,R,Republic,H,Theocracy,C,Communism,I,Dictatorship,T,Tyranny,F,Fascism)
    hadd NewGameData $gettok(%temptext,1,32) 0 $+ $gettok($gettok(%temptext,2-,32),1,40) (# $+ $gettok(%temptext,1,32) $+ $chr(41) 03§ Rank: %rank.cnt 03§ NetWorth: $bytes($2,b) 03§ Land: $bytes($1,b) 03§ $iif($5,$3 03§ $4,03§ $3)  03§ %Government

I'm not sure what the GDI is. See what you think.

Close laugh

212: 0Test(#212) 03§ Rank: 911 03§ NetWorth: 4,445,201 03§ Land: 16,661 03§ 03§ Clan 03§ RepublDicTyrannyaTyrannyorshipCommunDicTyrannyaTyrannyorshipsm

and yes I am changing the Clan part laugh

GDI is just a Y or N , 1 = Y , 0 = N

Last edited by danzigrules; 08/02/07 07:58 PM.