For now, here's the change to the SOCKREAD event:

on *:sockread:GameData: {
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -a Error.
  else {
    var %temptext
    sockread %temptext
    if (!%temptext) { hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") | unset %rank.cnt | halt }
    inc %rank.cnt
    tokenize 32 $gettok(%temptext,2-,41)
    hadd NewGameData $gettok(%temptext,1,32) 0 $+ $gettok($gettok(%temptext,2-,32),1,40) (# $+ $gettok(%temptext,1,32) $+ $chr(41) 03§ Land: $bytes($1,b) 03§ NetWorth: $bytes($2,b) 03§ $iif($5,$3 03§ $4 03§ $5,03§ $3 03§ $4) 03§ Rank: %rank.cnt

I did't reorder it because I'm not sure what goes where. wink

Can you display the output as it is right now for one of them and then display how you want it to look for the same one? That way I know what numbers are going where.

Invision Support
#Invision on