to configure your windowsXP firewall for use with mIrc Go HERE

If you are using a Router instead try this

mIrc uses a random range of ports for DCC which used to be between 1024 and 5000 (quite a lot, but we dont need them all to use DCC....anyway why have almost four thousand ports to choose from when 5 or more will do? In the next steps we'll configure 5 to 6 ports for DCC

Step 1. Find out the Internal Ip Address of the Computer you are using..while in mIrc type /run command ... Then when the Dos Window opens type ipconfig and look for something similar to this

Ethernet adapter :
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway

Note the IP Address, you need this to configure the Router, in our case (Yours may Differ)


Step 2. Open up your Router Configuration and forward ports to the IP Address you just got when doing step 1......In this case we will forward ports 4000 up to 4005 to your IP Address (Yours may Differ) .. Thats a total of 6 ports for DCC...(Should you want more ports..its 1 port per dcc). After making changes to your router configuration click Apply or Save or whatever option it gives you to save changes and exit.


Step 3. Go back to mirc Options (normally accessible by holding down the ALT-key and hitting the letter O (Alt + O) ...then look for DCC, then look for a sub section below DCC called options..and look where it says DCC Ports First Last (The default options here are First 1024 Last 5000)

OR in newer mIRC versions view>options>connect>options>[Advanced] we change these to First 4000 and Last 4005 (This tells mirc to use only ports 4000 to 4005 for DCC)
