Thanks hixxy.

Hm, still have some troubles.

Lets say pre channel echoes:

(20:06) · @Bot · -› pre in MP3 -› The Danger Os Little Machines (EP) 2006 BUTT -›

Im trying code:

on *:TEXT:*:#Echo_chan:{
; The message MUST match the following format exactly
; [-PRE-] [Type] Date:(yyyy-mm-dd) Release:(T)
; Where Type is any of the following: DVD-R SVCD VCD XBoX XviD Games
; T is any string of text, it cannot be blank
var %r = /^\-›pre in\ \(?:DVDR|SVCD|VCD|XBOX|MP3|XViD|GAMES)\-› \(.+\)$/iS -›
if ($regex($1-,%r)) {
msg #chan_where_should_echo $1-

Any help? smile