This should work for you. Note that I placed an access level requirement of 10. So you will need to add the PreBot to your userlist with an access level of 10. To do this:

Alt + R
Switch to user's tab
Add the following line

Where hostmask is the hostmask of the PreBot. This will prevent the script from triggering if someone other than the PreBot says for example DVD-R.

on 10:TEXT:*:#Channel:{
  [color:blue]; The message MUST match the following format exactly
  ; [-PRE-] [Type] Date:(yyyy-mm-dd) Release:(T)
  ; Where Type is any of the following: DVD-R SVCD VCD XBoX XviD Games
  ; T is any string of text, it cannot be blank[/color]
  var %r = /^\[-PRE-\] \[(?:DVD-R|SVCD|VCD|XBoX|XviD|Games)\] Date:\([\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}\) Release:\(.+\)$/iS
  if ($regex($1-,%r)) {
    [color:blue]; Next check if any of the following are in the 4th token, which is the release name:
    ; french swedish danish german dutch .kor. .italian. .satrip. .pl
    ; If none of these are found, send the message[/color]
    if (!$regex($4,/(?:french|swedish|danish|german|dutch|\.kor\.|\.italian\.|\.satrip\.|\.pl)/iS)) {
      msg #echochannel $1-