
I figured you would reply to that one wink

I know I can use just \d to match a digit but I didn't know I could just do \d{3} instead of [\d]{3}. I think early on when I was first trying my luck with regex I did something like that and it didn't work, so it stuck with me to use []. See, now if you'd just finish your regex bible I could have likely avoided this wink. Thanks for keeping me in check with the regex as always, I'm still learning. These little things are appreciated even if you don't think so.


An @window is just a blank window by default that you can add whatever you care to into it. I modified the code to use an @window named @preINFO as well as making it display NUKES and UNNUKES on top of what it was already displaying. It will still filter out the messages (releases, nukes and unnukes) if they contain anything you don't want to see. I made a small correction to that exclude list by changing .pl to .pl.

on 10:TEXT:*:#Channel:{
  var %r = /^\[-PRE-\] \[(?:DVD-R|SVCD|VCD|XBoX|XviD|Games)\] Date:\(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\) Release:\(.+\)$/iS
  [color:blue]; Again, the format has to match exactly for NUKES and UNNUKES. 
  ; The required format is based on the example you gave.[/color]
  var %n = /^\[NUKED\] \[.+\] \[Reason .+\]$/iS
  var %u = /^\[UNNUKED\] \[.+\] \[Reason .+\] \[Release .+\]$/iS
  var %noshow = /(?:french|swedish|danish|german|dutch|\.kor\.|\.italian\.|\.satrip\.|\.pl[color:red].[/color])/iS
  if ($regex($1-,%r) || $regex($1-,%n) || $regex($1-,%u)) {
    if (!$regex($4,%noshow) || !$regex($2,%noshow)) {
      [color:blue]; Before adding to the window, check if it is open or not and if
      ; not, open it and add the line. Here is what the switches are doing:
      ; n - Opens the window minimized so it does not steal focus
      ; z - Forces the window to open at the bottom/end of the switchbar[/color]
      if (!$window(@preINFO)) window -nz @preINFO
      aline @preINFO [[ $+ $asctime(h:nn) $+ ]] $1-