hehehe back to pick you brain again schaefer31,it seems that for some reason the filters are not working anymore.
Can you or anyone see if there is something wrong?
Im sure it was working before i changed the nuke/unnuke msg to match new format
but now all the items i have in the filter does not seem to be getting block:
; ECHO Script (filtered) @Window v0.2a by schaefer31 (Tweaked by D00M)

on *:LOAD: {
  if ($version < 6.03) {
    .unload -rs $+(",$script,")
    echo -ts 4ECHO Script (filtered) @Window v0.2a Requires mIRC v6.03 or newer to be installed successfully, script auto-unloaded.
  else { echo -ts 3ECHO Script (filtered) @Window v0.2a, Successfully loaded. }
on *:UNLOAD: {
  .unload -rs $+(",$script,")
  echo -ts 7ECHO Script (filtered) @Window v0.2a, Successfully unloaded.

  var %p = /^\[-PRE-\] \[(?:DVD-R|SVCD|VCD|XBoX|XviD|Games)\] Date:\(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\) Release:\(.+\)$/iS

  var %n = /^\[-NUKE-\] Date:\(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\) Release:\(.+\) Reason:\(.+\)$/iS

  var %u = /^\[-UNNUKE-\] Date:\(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\) Release:\(.+\) Reason:\(.+\)$/iS

  var %noshow = /(?:french|swedish|danish|german|dutch|czech|swesub|iceland|nordic|fansubbed|multisubs|subfix|\.heb\.|\.norsub\.|\.custom\.|\.swe\.|\.es|\.kor\.|\.italian\.|\.satrip\.|-pl-|\.pl\.)/iS

  if ($regex($1-,%p) || $regex($1-,%n) || $regex($1-,%u)) {

    if (!$regex($4,%noshow) || !$regex($2,%noshow)) {

      if (!$window(@preINFO)) window -nz @preINFO

      aline @preINFO [[ $+ $asctime(h:nn) $+ ]] $1-




e.g of output now:
[1:59] [-PRE-] [SVCD] Date:(2006-05-11) Release:(BlahBlah.Der.German.DVDRiP.SVCD-BlahBlah)
[1:59] [-PRE-] [DVD-R] Date:(2006-05-11) Release:(BlahBlah.FRENCH.DVD-R-BlahBlah)
[1:59] [-PRE-] [XviD] Date:(2006-05-11) Release:(BlahBlah.Der.ITALIAN.DVDRiP.XviD-BlahBlah)

as i said it all works fine except now the filters are broken (i notice the filters are writen a little different from your original echo to chan script),

alsoi cant seem to be able to reposition the @window,
im in a lot of chans so its way down the bottom of my list,would be great if it was at the top (first window).
I dare ask but also is it possible to make the window flash (like a PM window does when someone msg's you?)
when there is a new announcement, (hope im not asking to much grin TIA for any help wink