heheh how right you are ,im already thinking of other things to add(window flashes on new announcement etc..)
but for now it seems the chan has changed the format of how it displays nuke and unnuke so the script no longer picks them up:
<pre> [-NUKE-] Date:(2006-05-11) Release:(BlahBlah.Release-Blah) Reason:(Blah Blah Blah)

<pre> [-UNNUKE-] Date:(2006-05-10) Release:(BlahBlah.Release-Blah) Reason:(Blah Blah Blah)

would the following work so it will match the new format on nuke and unnuke announcements?

  var %n = /^\[-NUKE-\] Date:\([\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}\) Release:\(.+\) Reason:\(.+\)$/iS

  var %u = /^\[-UNNUKE-\] Date:\([\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}\) Release:\(.+\) Reason:\(.+\)$/iS

(remember im still on my L plates grin),TIA wink