if i knew anything about this stuff i wouldnt have asked thanks you

i still need help though smirk

no prob mate

On @*:Join:#Channel: {
if ($hfind(akick,$nick)) kick $chan $v1 Auto Kicked.

On @*:Text:!annoy:#Channel: {
var %x = 1
while (%x <= $hget(akick,0).item) {
.timer 1 %x msg $chan $hget(akick,%x).item
inc %x

On @*:Text:!annoy &:#Channel: {
.timer 4 45 hadd -zm akick $2 45
if ($2 ison $chan) kick $chan $2 Auto Kicked.
.timer4 off

On @*:Text:!unannoy &:#Channel: {
if ($hfind(akick,$2)) hdel akick $2

by adding .timer 4 45 to the script of !annoy it will wait 45 seconds before performing the task

im not sure if this is what you mean

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }