Thanks for the help but i'm still haveing problems when i used your coded it instantly kicked and kept kicking. This is what i have from gathered info but it doesnt work maybe you can help me make it work
On @* {
if (!$readini(annoy.ini, Nicks, $2)) {
.timer 4 45 $2 45
kick $chan $2 Auto Kicked.
On @*:Text:!annoy & {
if ($nick isop #) {
writeini annoy.ini Nicks $2- $+
.timer 4 45 $2 45
kick $chan $2 Auto Kicked.
on *:TEXT:!deannoy*:#: {
if ($nick isop #) {
.remini annoy.ini Nicks $2
msg $chan Annoy Removed $2
what i want it to do is when triggered i don't want it to kick but i want the timer to start and kick after the 45 seconds then when they rejoin i want the timer again to start and kick after 45 seconds untill the deannoy is triggered.
Thanks for the help again.