The problem with programs getting a bad reputation is people who lacks in Kn0wledge installs these programs and thinks great that’s what’s all needed, and of course something else does a job which this application should do and gets blamed because of the users mistakes of not Updating, & Configuring and then Scanning in Reference to AV, AT, AS.

No lie AVG is a good “Anti-Virus” System but not a good Anti-Trojan Cleaner, and a lot of these “Trojan” Definitions in these Anti-Virus Systems like Mcafee, Nortons, NOD32 AV, AVG and so forth are misleading “FALSE” reports. Now you can choose not to believe me, but I know their Art works, I’ve been in serious discussions with Paul maker of NOD32 and many other AV Builders. You really like to know what most of these Trojans Definitions in these AV’s are, they are Warez Utilities commonly found on many users infected machines. Whether it’s Nukers, Password unshadowers and so forth, but hey don’t take my word for it… What would I know?

Sorry that The Cleaner failed to detect these false Trojans, far as I can tell The Cleaner uses pure Trojan Definitions.

Here’s a Few tips; Upon Installation of AV’s, AT’s, AS’s do Updates first then configure and in this case The Cleaner you would go-to “Options” and select “Scanning” tab and Check "Scan for hidden executables" because by Default this Feature isn’t Enabled considering it’s very necessary Feature. And you can check "Scan inside compressed files" at your will, then go-to “Update” Tab and Enable "Check for updates at startup" and click OK then Check to Enable "Scan local Fixed drives" and click “Scan” Button.

Keep in mind unless your AT has background scanning Features, Trojans may become successfully downloaded and even Installed without any Alerts by the AT System until your next proper Local HDD Scan.

And about your “Trojan?!?!?” infection located in the Temp Folder, if it was really an Trojan and it infected you, guaranteed it wouldn’t of kept itself only in the Temp Directory.

Also note; why is AT like The Cleaner and so forth which specifically for Trojans quite impressive? Because it also un-do all damages done by “Real” Trojans Infections unlike AV Systems just deleting the Trojan files.


And RegCleaner is quite popular by the newbies but I prefer to use something which actually more efficient, like System Mechanics, Perfect Companion as a Combo.


I’m using Microsoft Windows XP and guess what? I must do billion things at once for days on End without even Re-booting and never once does it crash. I Render, watch Movies, Chat, Remote and billion other tasks all on current sessions.

Kn0wledge Is Thee P0wer!!!!