If you’re System was properly Maintained it wouldn’t be crashing, unless it’s hardware related. Bad RAM, Corrupted Data caused by “numerous” things such like Hard Drive Failures and so forth.

Don’t see you mentioning anything specifically for an Anti-Trojan Cleaner, relying on Anti-Virus System to Clean much less even detect Trojans is mistake, ask anyone why they used BoClean, The Cleaner or other-than along with their Anti-Virus Systems, because Anti-Virus Systems don’t really have large enough Definitions for “Real” Trojans.

And unless you using Ad-Aware v6 with most recent definitions you cant call it reliable, like anything which isn’t being rapidly Updated in reference to AV, AT, AS and so forth…

“registry cleaner type proggy”

Doesn’t Appear to me that you know your Registry Cleaners, There’s such things as Good, and poor Quality programs. What Application you using to Scan, Clean Invalid Registry Entries? Lets see if I can Match and Out-Match… :tongue:

The Cleaner v3.5
Download: http://www.cybermesa.com/~moosoft/cleaner3.exe
Homepage: http://www.moosoft.com
Supported Operating Systems:
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP

Kn0wledge Is Thee P0wer!!!!