IRCClouD BanMask Corrector Simo 24/04/24 05:21 AM
i wrote this small script for dalnet as i found many set inneffiecient bans on irccloud users this code will correct that provided your bot is opped in the channel :


on *:ban:#:{
  if ($nick(#,$me,@)) {
    var %ixz = 1 , %nicksx
    while ($ialchan($banmask,$chan,%ixz).nick)  {
      var %match = $v1
      if (%match != $me && $regex($banmask,/(irccloud)/i)) { var %nicksx = $addtok(%nicksx,%match,32)  }
      inc %ixz
    if ($numtok(%nicksx,32) > 1) { mode $chan -b $banmask }
    if ($numtok(%nicksx,32) == 1) {
      var %properbanmask $+(*!,$gettok($gettok($replace($address(%nicksx,1),!*uid,!*id,!*sid,!*id),1,64),2,33),@*)
      mode $chan +b-b %properbanmask $banmask
on *:KICK:# {
  if ($nick(#,$me,@)) {
    if ($regex($address($knick,2),/(irccloud)/i)) {
      var %properbanmask $+(*!,$gettok($gettok($replace($address($knick,1),!*uid,!*id,!*sid,!*id),1,64),2,33),@*)
      if ( %properbanmask !isban $chan ) {   mode $chan +b %properbanmask }

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