var %i = 1 | while ($gettok($regsubex($str(x,$chan(0)),/x/g,$chan(\n) $chr(32)),%i,32)) {
var %chnel = $v1
if ($nick(%chnel,$me,~&@%)) {
check if %chnel is enabled to check for auto bans removal then do mode %chnel
and redirect to raw numeric to check ban duration and ban if exceeded ban duration
inc %i
RAW 367:*:{
if (($calc( $ctime - $5 ) > 7200 ) && (!$istok(%ban_except,$3,32)) {
if (!%bcount) { set %bcount 0 }
if (%bcount <= $calc( $modespl - 1 )) { set %blist $3 %blist | inc %bcount }
if (%bcount > $calc( $modespl - 1 )) { putmode $2 $+(-,$str(b,%bcount)) $($+(%,blist),2) | unset %bcount | unset %blist }
RAW 368:*:{ if (%bcount) { unset %bcount } | if (%blist) { unset %blist } | halt }