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Feature Suggestions Jump to new posts
Persistent $tip when delay is -1 Vagabond 10 hours ago
I would like to suggest an enhancement for the $tip feature. Currently, the delay parameter for $tip(name, title, text, delay, iconfn, iconpos, alias, wid) can accept values from 3 to 60 seconds, after which the tip automatically closes. However, it would be very useful if the delay parameter could accept a value of -1, which would prevent the tip from automatically closing at all.

This would allow users to create tips that remain visible indefinitely unless manually closed, without needing to implement complex workarounds or rely on other events. It would be a great addition for users who need persistent information displayed in a tip without worrying about the time-out.

Proposed Change:

Accept -1 as a valid value for the delay parameter in $tip().
When delay = -1, the tip would never close automatically and would remain open until manually dismissed or the window it belongs to is closed.
Thanks for considering this suggestion!
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Scripts & Popups Jump to new posts
Re: Upper case nick Simo Yesterday at 10:37 PM
this seems to work for me :


on !*:JOIN:#:{
  if (!$Timer($+(CheckNicks,.,$network,.,$chan,.,$nick))) {   .Timer $+ $+(CheckNicks,.,$network,.,$chan,.,$nick)  -md 1 750 badnick_alias $unsafe($chan) $nick  } 

ON *:nick:{
  var %whloop = 1
  while ( $comchan($newnick,%whloop) != $null )  {
    var %chan $v1
    if (!$nick(%chan,$newnick,@&~%) && $nick(%chan,$me,@&~%)) { badnick_alias %chan $newnick  }
    inc %whloop

ON *:op:#test:{
  if ($opnick == $me) {
    var %loop = 1, %nick , %kickmsg = please change your nick thank you.... 
    while (%loop <= $nick($chan,0)) {
      %nick = $nick($chan,%loop)
      if ($len( %nick ) < 3 || ($calc($regex(%nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len(%nick)) > 30)) { 
        if (!$nick($chan,%nick,~&@%+)) { var %kick = $addtok(%kick,%nick,44) }
        if ($numtok(%kick,44) == 4) { kick $chan %kick %kickmsg | unset %kick }      
      inc %loop 1
  if (%kick) { kick $chan %kick %kickmsg }

alias badnick_alias {
  var %chan $1 , %nick $2
  if (%nick !ison %chan || $nick( %chan , %nick ,@&~%)) { halt }
  if ($len( %nick ) < 3 || ($calc($regex(%nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len(%nick)) > 30))  {
    if (!$Timer($+(CheckNickZ,.,$network,.,%chan,.,%nick))) {   
      .Timer $+ $+(CheckNickZ,.,$network,.,%chan,.,%nick)  3 15 badnick_still_on_chan $unsafe(%chan) %nick  

alias badnick_still_on_chan {
  inc % [ $+ [ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) ] ] 
  if ($2 ison $1 && % [ $+ [ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) ] ] < 3) { NOTICE $2 % [ $+ [ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) ] ] WARNINGS } 
  elseif ( % [ $+ [ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) ] ] == 3 && $2 ison $1 ) { kick $1 $2 % [ $+ [ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) ] ] WARNINGS | .Timer $+ $+(CheckNickZ,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) off | unset % $+ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2)  }
  elseif ($2 !ison $1) {  .Timer $+ $+(CheckNickZ,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) off | unset % [ $+ [ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) ] ]  }

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